Middle East Technical University

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About the university:

- There are 5 faculties with 41 undergraduate programs, 3 of which are international joint programmes, 5 institutes with 105 master's programs and 70 doctoral programs, and the School of Foreign Languages that offers English language education. 15 undergraduate programs and 5 postgraduate programs are implemented at the ODTU Northern Cyprus Campus.

It is one of the most competitive universities in Turkey. More than a third of the 1,000 students with the highest scores in university entrance examinations nationwide each year prefer ODTU. Since the demand to study at ODTU is very high, many departments of ODTU only accept the top three percent of the nearly one and a half million students who sit for the University Entrance Examination. More than forty percent of ODTU students go on to graduate school.

- University website: https://www.metu.edu.tr/tr

- Number of university campuses and their locations: https://www.metu.edu.tr/tr/odtu-yerleskesinde-bulunan-dersliklerin-konumu

Date of establishment of the university: 1956

Bachelor's majors: https://yokatlas.yok.gov.tr/lisans-univ.php?u=1084

University introductory video: