Selçuk University

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About the university:

While the question of opening a university in Konya was first brought to the agenda with a bill prepared in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in 1955, the bill signed by more than half of the deputies, unfortunately, could not pass the National Education Committee. With the Selçuk Education Institute and the Higher Islamic Institute, which were opened under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education in 1962, the first serious step towards establishing a university was taken. In order to promote and develop this first step, the “Association for University Establishment and Sustainability” was established in Konya in 1968, and the Faculty of Architecture, which forms the core of the Faculty of Architecture today, was established as a result of outstanding efforts. Although there is no building, classrooms, staff, and budget, this college, which started operating in a building (near Gazi High School) belonging to the Child Protection Agency in the 1970-1971 academic year, with the efforts of the association to establish and sustain the university, was established on July 5, 1971 and was established In 1418. Under the 9th Article of Law No. 1975, it was awarded the title of Konya Academy of Engineering and Architecture. The process of transition from these three schools, which constituted the preparation stage for the establishment of the university, to a more effective university took place in 1975. With the Law No. 1873 regarding the establishment of 4 universities, Which came into force on April 11, 1975, four universities were expected to be established in our country and Selcuk University was established under this law. In the academic year 1976-1977, it started its activities with 2 faculties, 7 departments, 327 students and 2 permanent members, which are the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Arts. The breakthrough year of Selcuk University was 1982. By Decree-Law of July 20, 1982 and No. 41, the Faculties of Science and Arts, which formed the core of the university in the first place, were merged into the Faculty of Science and Arts, Faculty of Education in Selcuk Higher Education. The Teachers' School and the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the Academy of Engineering and Architecture in Konya, and it was decided to convert the Higher Islamic Institute in Konya into a Faculty of Religious Origins.

- University website:


Number of university campuses and their locations:

Date of establishment of the university: 1975

Bachelor's majors:

- Specializations of the institutes:

University introductory video: